
The term “parental responsibility” or “PR” can sometimes draw blank looks from clients when mentioned by family lawyers. Not everyone is aware if they have parental responsibility for their child or what this actually means in practice. Parental responsibility is defined by the Children Act 1989 as “all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority [...]

It seems these days that more and more couples are deciding to cohabit, whether as an alternative to marriage or simply a prelude. According to the Office of National Statistics, since 2005 cohabitation has increased by approximately 33% whereas marriage / civil partnership only by approximately 2% in the same time frame. This is definitely [...]

There are a number of myths and misconceptions about divorce law in England and Wales but I intend to speak about only one of these today.  I am often asked in an initial consultation if a divorce can be based on irreconcilable differences.  Sadly, the answer is no. We do not have a straightforward ‘no [...]

It has been reported that there has been a significant increase in the amount of Inheritance Tax (“IHT”) being paid from a deceased’s estate.  Over the period of ten years, twice as much IHT has been paid to HM Revenue and Customs, namely nearly up to £4.7 Billion. A number of factors could be the [...]

Many divorcing couples particularly those with minimal or no assets or income are reluctant to incur the expense of obtaining a financial order, relying on an informal agreement between them and their former spouse not to bring any further claims against each other in the future. Of course circumstances change and it is very important [...]

Growing apart during autumn

Autumn approaches and a recent interesting article reminds us that autumn is one of the periods of the year when married couples are more likely to split up. Public funding for divorce has all but been removed since the legal aid cuts of a couple of years ago. This means that many people who may [...]