
You are no doubt experiencing the anxiety and loss of a relationship ending, suffering sleepless nights and worrying about the future… but the actions you take now and the choices you make will have a big impact on your new life.

Divorce and Separation

When considering Divorce, there are many paths you could take to start the proceedings, and in many cases you can opt for a ‘quick’ and ‘easy’ online solution. This doesn’t, however, take into account many of the complications of Divorce, and you can often end up disadvantaged. By talking to one of our friendly solicitors at Law & Life, we’ll help you through every step of proceedings and ensure that you get a fair outcome.

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Marital and Co-habitation

Co-habitation is the situation whereby a couple are living together but not married. If this matches your situation and your relationship starts to break down, you could find yourself struggling with difficult problems. Common questions we’re asked include the situation with regards to the house, especially if you’re paying into (but not named on) the mortgage. It’s a tough time as it is, dealing with a relationship breakdown, the last thing on top of that you need is a fight over who owns what. Your best course of action, is to act fast and talk to someone who can advise you properly. Get a call back now to discuss how we can help.

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We know that when children are involved, everything becomes a little more difficult to deal with. Arguments over custody can exacerbate things, especially when you take into account most arguments happen in the home, with the children around.

There’s nothing worse than seeing the consequences of your arguments in the home, so remove yourself from that situation. By coming to a friendly, understanding solicitor at Law & Life, we’re able to advise you of the best way forwards when it comes to negotiation of estate and custody of children

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Pre-Nuptial Agreement

A Pre-Nuptial agreement is simply an agreement made by a couple before getting married. It will set out exactly how they plan on structuring financial arrangements during the marriage but, and as a worst case scenario, what should happen in the event of the marriage failing. It is worth ensuring that you seek proper advice when it comes to a Pre-Nuptial agreement to ensure all the terms are legally enforceable.

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